Your dreams want you more than you want them. They are literally chasing you down. The question is, are you conscious of it? Conscious creators are able to manifest everything they desire to see their vision turn into reality.

Join Joseph Tedesco T.L.C. in a quest to master the Law of Attraction. A master is a champion; an individual who rises above circumstances, opinions, and seeming failures into the realm of pure potentiality. A master declares a vision and then attracts the perfect sequence of people, ideas, and materials to turn that vision into reality. The curriculum provides you with the tools to master one of the most ancient and powerful universal laws. This workshop, combing classroom and exercises, will access your life’s vision on a profound level, creating astonishing results in a single day.

Mastering Manifestation

The Tools for Practical Prosperity

An Empowerment Workshop with JosephTedesco T.L.C.

9am-7:00pm *Lunch included

Advance Ticket Price: $139

Buy Your Tickets – Click Here!


“I’m looking forward to sharing this day with you on June 14th. Bring your dreams, visions, and goals and a great pair of walking shoes as we step into your future through knowledge and experience. It will be a day filled with information and experience to help you manifest the life you deserve. Plus a tasty lunch. Let’s shift the world and end the scarcity conversation!!” ~Joe Tedesco

Lesson 55 ~ I am determined to see things differently.
Dear Beautiful Soul ~ By Tyler Sciulli