I graduated! I am officially an Ontological Business and Life Coach thanks to Ideal Coaching Mexico. The past 10 months have taken incredible commitment. I flew to Mexico City five times. I trusted, I cried, I broke down, I stood up, I broke down, I stood up, I collided with my ego, and then, by a miracle, I flew. My first time in Mexico City was the most extraordinary experience. I didn’t know what to expect. The media portrays a side…
I was walking around my lake yesterday, enjoying the fresh Los Angeles air. In front of me, there was a young man with endless tattoos and long blond hair, kicking a soccer ball. I trailed behind him around the lake, until I decided to take a seat on a bench I had never sat in before. A few quiet moments passed. I savored each one. Until a soccer ball came whizzing by me and into the lake water. “Bummer!” was my…
I am an entrepreneur. I run a successful marketing company that I started one year ago. Hence, my agenda has been super glued to my side- 50 million things to do written across the week’s outline- filled to maximum capacity- dozen’s of people counting on me for dozens of important matters. Event deadlines, project due dates, product releases, and other time sensitive information spread across my desk that no one else is responsible for, but me. There is never a…
Nancy Bjork’s philosophy simply states that what we think about is what we become. Let’s say your life takes place in a garden. If you think tomatoes are delicious, you will likely want to grow tomatoes. You will first need to tend to the soil. You will till the soil and you will add organic matter to the soil. You can then plant the tomato seeds in the soil. The sun will give the tomato nutrients and you will water the…
My journey to Costa Rica took me from San Jose to a small backpacker town deep in the Caribbean rainforest. I lived in Puerto Viejo for over a year when I was in my early 20’s, bar tending at Tasty Waves Cantina (aka the best surf bar in the world) and making authentic Costa Rican chocolate at Echo Books. It was an adventure beyond description and being back felt like less than a day had passed by. I arrived at my…
Perception according to the Freemason James Kirkpactick, is ultimately an illusion. How you see yourself, your neighbors, the world… isn’t real. For just a few moments, attempt to put aside everything you think you know about yourself. Every belief you have about the universe, creation, society, freedom, government, and God. You have beliefs, but you are not your beliefs. Just as you have a body, but you are not your body. You have a mind, but you are not your mind. You…