I graduated! I am officially an Ontological Business and Life Coach thanks to Ideal Coaching Mexico. The past 10 months have taken incredible commitment. I flew to Mexico City five times. I trusted, I cried, I broke down, I stood up, I broke down, I stood up, I collided with my ego, and then, by a miracle, I flew. My first time in Mexico City was the most extraordinary experience. I didn’t know what to expect. The media portrays a side…
I am an entrepreneur. I run a successful marketing company that I started one year ago. Hence, my agenda has been super glued to my side- 50 million things to do written across the week’s outline- filled to maximum capacity- dozen’s of people counting on me for dozens of important matters. Event deadlines, project due dates, product releases, and other time sensitive information spread across my desk that no one else is responsible for, but me. There is never a…
Resistance is the refusal to accept something as it is. It doesn’t matter what that something is- the circumstances of your life are actually irrelevant. Any interruption to your peace is worth examining. I am currently resisting several areas of my life; New plates on my vehicle (9 months expired) Raising my company pricing Yoga and exercise Circumstances like these are like mental rock faces that must be climbed. Resistance is like adding emotional bricks to your backpack. Life is…
The entire world shifted, So that you could be here: Slicing. Dicing. Waxing you like a koi fish. A blink. An eye-ball opening and closing, one time, Only to recede into dust. Fairies dancing like trail mix caught on fire. Touchstones of foroget-me-nots and ho-hos. Life. Passing you by? Open up to the reality of yourself. Bliss on shoe strings laced together like a wedding dress. Kiss it all goodbye. You care for none of it. Your sold on tomorrows–…