Category: Writer’s Corner

Fear not to recognize the whole idea of sacrifice as solely of your making. 2 And seek not safety by attempting to protect yourself from where it is not. 3 Your brothers and your Father have become very fearful to you. 4 And you would bargain with them for a few special relationships, in which you think you see some scraps of safety. 5 Do not try longer to keep apart your thoughts and the Thought that has been given…

“Once you have flown, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return.” ~Leonardo da Vinci

“We see from where we stand.”  “Beyond the mountains, more mountains.” “A monkey never thinks her baby’s ugly.” “After the dance, the drums are always heavy.” “Hello is your passport.” “A donkey always acts like a donkey.” “Very close is not home yet.” “A starving dog does not lie down.”

Yesterday, a person asked me if I am unhappy. “No, I don’t believe I am,” I replied, to which he expressed immediate disbelief. “I would think,” he said firmly, “that anyone whose life looks like yours… anyone like you… should be DEVASTATED.” I sat in surprised silence, while he listed off the reasons I should be plunged into utter despair. As I listened, I began to cry. Hearing it in his voice, I realized that I SHOULD be devastated, honestly. Multiple marriages…

Dear beautiful Soul, I write this to you, for you, to understand the greatest gift that you are. With little words can describe I will give you my best at expressing the meaning in which you bring forth to experience. Although you may not always see, feel and believe your importance, your light, your greatness, your gift, I write you this as a friendly reminder and so it is. You are the love, light, inspiration, shift, source, creator, thought, action…

Lesson 55 Today’s review includes the following: (21) I am determined to see things differently. What I see now are but signs of disease, disaster and death. This cannot be what God created for His beloved Son. The very fact that I see such things is proof that I do not understand God. Therefore I also do not understand His Son. What I see tells me that I do not know who I am. I am determined to see the…

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