I first met Bettie Spruill while attending a leadership program in Delray Beach, Florida. What captured me most was her steadiness. Her logic has an ease to it. She possesses the rare ability to transform incredibly compound theory into a few simple metaphors. I particularly appreciate her thoughts on co-creation. There are 7.1 billion people living on the planet. 7.1 billion lives being played out at this moment. Since you started reading this blog, four people were born. Two people died. Somewhere nations are rioting. …
The simplest way to live an extraordinary life, is to decide that your life is extraordinary. By choosing to experience your life this way, your life becomes as you interpret it to be. When you let go of chasing the perfect life, it becomes obvious your life has been perfect from day one. That every moment has led you to this moment. Every conversation was necessary to the development of your person and your wisdom. Every red light, every flat…