Category: My Perspective

It starts with you. When I was in college, I was obsessed with changing the world. I was a political science major, so naturally, I thought our governing bodies needed an extreme makeover. I had fallen into one of the oldest tricks in the ego’s book of lies: the answer is outside of me. If the politicians were better, our results would be different… If citizens committed to a different interpretation of civil rights, we would experience more freedom… If we…

Today I was running late for yoga. I skipped last week’s practice to sit in an office chair- something that happens more often than I like to admit. But instead of working on my birthday, I wanted to drive the Pacific Coast Highway… so I decided that I could give up yoga for a week. But after 30 hours of overtime, followed by 30 hours on the road, I was desperate. My body was crying out for down dog, pigeon…

I am sitting by a sunny window in California, reflecting on my life. Who am I? My ego will tell you, I am a 25 year old female. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Constitutional Theory & Philosophy. I excelled in college at an unprecedented pace. I learned everything there was to know about political regimes, constitutional paradigms and tyrannical power. I opened a dance studio and became a semi-successful businesswoman my sophomore  year. I worked 60 hour weeks and still…

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